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Opening Apollo's Cabinet of delights...

As soon as we hear that Sound Waves South West has arranged for some musicians to visit us, we get charged with anticipation for an entertaining and edifying event. Over the years, we have been treated to some outstanding and inspiring performers: we’ve experienced the steel pans of the Pantasy Steel Band, the humour of Back Chat Brass, the jazzy renderings of Graffiti Classics and the top twenty of the classically romantic period from the Vespertine Duo and the Heartwood Trio. This time, it was Apollo’s Cabinet, a Baroque ensemble, winner of many major international competitions.

Teresa, David, Harry, Jonatan and Thomas play authentic instruments from the Baroque period: a range of woodwind instruments, including the sopranino recorder (and the perhaps more familiar descant recorder of fond school memory) and the mellow-voiced travserso flute; guitar and chittarone (a type of theorbo); violin and viola da gamba; and a 57 string harpsichord.

The theme of the workshop was the concert organised for the birthday of Frederick the Great of Prussia by his court composer Johann Quantz. The ensemble played pieces performed at the celebrations, some of which were specially written for the celebrations by Telemann and Bach.


Sound Waves South West operates an instrument loan service. More details are available on its website.
