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Welcome to Whitstone Community Primary

Learn, Grow and Achieve Together

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In Reception, a phoneme is sent home regularly after it’s been taught in class, with a suggested activity for the children to apply their learning. In KS1 and KS2, pupils are taught spelling patterns using the Spelling Shed Scheme. This runs along side phonics for younger pupils but serves to consolidate patterns they know and extend their knowledge of words that are exceptions to the phonetic rules. At the beginning of every week, the spellings for the whole week are sent home and are also practiced in class sessions using a variety of methods which are proven to aid accurate spelling. . On most occasions, children working at age-related expectations, should be learning all of the words. Spellings can be topic words, common exception words, words from the national curriculum spelling lists or words that follow a pattern or rule that the children have been learning.

Spelling Shed 


Spelling Shed's approach to spelling involves the relationship between sounds and written symbols as well as using morphology to help spell through meaning.

The carefully selected word lists and engaging activities provide opportunities to incorporate phonics and meaning to strengthen spelling skills and build vocabulary acquisition.

Each lesson…

  • includes features to enhance the teaching and learning.
  • is designed to be flexible to fit within the variable timetables.
  • has main teaching inputs, which can then be followed up with additional activities that can be carried out immediately after the input during an extended session or revisited throughout the week in order to consolidate the learning further.
  • has elements of the key areas below embedded in its core.