Children’s website links
Topmarks educational games A fabulous sites for children aged 4 - 11. Games to aid learning across the entire curriculum and widely used by teachers.
Classroom Secrets A site for teachers which also has excellent provision for home learning (primarily English and Maths from early years to year 6.
Oxford owl home Oxford University Press website with a great selection of resources, advice and a library of e-books at all levels.
BBC Bitesize The BBC run educational website with lessons, games and more for all areas of the National Curriculum.
Ruth Miskin Phonics A website by the creator of Read Write Inc phonics . Contains advice and information for parents and teachers about early reading and phonics.
Spelling Shed A subscription used by school for practicing Spellings in a fun way. Pupils have a log in
Teach your Monster to Read A fun web based game also available as an APP for helping children to learn to read. Suitable for up to year 3.
White Rose Maths Has a host of Maths resources for home learning.
ICT Games Literacy and Numeracy games for younger pupils up to year 2,