Art & Design Curriculum Intent at Whitstone
At Whitstone CP School, we aim to facilitate the development of children’s creativity by guiding them to understand their place in the world as creative, confident beings. Our rolling curriculum is grounded by our areas of focus:
Drawing and sketchbooks
Print, colour and collage
Working in three dimensions
Paint, surface and texture
Collaboration and community
These key areas allow the development of skills in drawing, painting, collage, print and sculpture. Our pathways provide lots of time to balance repeated practice with new experiences, quiet approaches with active and dynamic activities; we through collaborative and community-based activities.
Our curriculum will develop children’s critical abilities through our , and is designed to about our own and others’ cultural heritages through the study of a diverse range of artists.
As art, craft and design embodies some of the highest form of creativity, to engage, and develop our creative confidence and visual literacy through effective teaching and experiences.
Our Art & Design Curriculum Structure
Our Art Curriculum
The National Curriculum for Art and Design (2014) has the following aims. That all pupils should:
1) Produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
2) Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
3) Evaluate and analyse artistic works using the language of art, craft and design
4) Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical development of their art forms
Our four progress objectives are:
1) Generating Ideas: The skills of designing and developing ideas
2) Making: The skills of making art, craft and design
3) Evaluating: The skills of judgement and evaluation
4) Knowledge: Knowledge of both technical process and cultural context