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Welcome to Whitstone Community Primary

Learn, Grow and Achieve Together

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Easter Story


At the invitation of members of its congregation, we attended a Lenten season’s contemplation of the Easter story at Bude’s Methodist church.

Divided into small groups, we were guided around ‘stations’ at which we looked at different aspects of Christ’s Passion, from Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem to His crucifixion to His ascension into heaven.

A thank-you to the volunteers, who were our guides and who supplied not only food for thought and for the soul, but also food for the body in the shape of cakes and biscuits.





Our Titanic recreation!

Science: polar animal adaptations

Investigation into polar day & night

Our expedition evidence!

Merry Christmas from Oak Class!

Our cards in action!

Still image for this video

Making of our electrical circuit cards

Road safety field work for Geography

Our first mini exhibition

Science Investigation: Creating our own fake blood sample - discovering the 4 components of our blood!

Practicing our embroidery skills with our Easter cards

Working hard on our story plates to inspire our writing

Fantastic Topic Homework

Rainforest Knowledge Organisers

Music Workshop

Watercolour Christmas Cards

Victor Nunes Inspired Work

Our Plastic-Free School Journey

R.E: Celebrations - Hajj & Eid al-Adha Postcards

Our Collaborative Chuck Close Mark-Making Art Work

Oak's Final Chuck Close Inspired Self-Portraits

Science Experiments So Far!

Oak's Surfer's Against Sewage journey has begun!

Oak's first learning portfolio entry!

Refraction Experiment!

Oak's Autumn 1 Final Mixed Media Artwork

Persuasive writing and debating!

Experimenting with Hydro-power!

Creativity in our sketchbooks and in our writing!

Practising partner gymnastics balances!

End of a great year!

Summer 1: Misty Mountain, Winding River Photos

Our Fabulous Fact Files!

Oak Christmas 2020

Oak Autumn Term 1: Sow, Grow, Farm 2020

Oak Harvest Festival 2020
