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Welcome to Whitstone Community Primary

Learn, Grow and Achieve Together

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Wild Tribe

Wild Tribe at Whitstone CP School 

At Whitstone CP School, we believe that taking the curriculum outside can enhance the health and wellbeing of children, as well as encouraging them to be more active.  Through Wild Tribe sessions, our children learn to manage risks through use of tools, work together through team work challenges, gain appreciation and respect for nature and the impact that humans have on the environment and become more confident with raised self-esteem. 


We are very fortunate at Whitstone to have wonderful school grounds with a large playing field and fire circle, a beautiful school garden area with trees and stunning views of our coastal countryside. All aspects of the curriculum can be taken outside and by using real life experiences in the outdoors, our children are able to gain more inspiration in their learning when back in the classroom.


Our children's health, wellbeing and social skills also develop along with growing a love of learning and strong connection to their surroundings. Links are made with curriculum subjects such as DT, Art and Literacy and links are made with class topics including following interests in the EYFS. 


Click on the class icons to see what we have been doing in Wild Tribe. 
